Do you have an upcoming event that deserves the spotlight?

Unlock the potential to sell more tickets by partnering with us for FREE advertising in taxis!

How It Works:

We understand the challenges of organizing events, especially when it comes to the costs and uncertainties of traditional advertising methods like flyers, TV, and radio. That's why we're here to offer a risk-free solution. We reach approximately 6000 taxi users daily with details about your events.

  • No Upfront Costs: We believe in your event's success and cover the advertising expenses.
  • Performance-Based Payment: Pay us only when we help you sell tickets. We get a commission for every ticket sold through our platform.
  • Tailored Commission: Our commission is based on the size of your event, ensuring a fair and mutually beneficial partnership.


Interested in Our Offer?

Take the first step to elevate your event's reach and success. Fill out the form or shoot us an email at

    Let's make your event a memorable success together!
